
I couldn't help noticing...

There is no blog entry over in Realignment City, aka Stand Firm, on the election of bishop in the Diocese of Utah save this one: Utah’s Bishop Election—a man who unrepentantly engages in sex acts with other men on the ballot. That particularly snotty little headline has not been supplanted by anything like one that might read: Utah holds election, new bishop elected in two ballots.

Well, that's not news, and it certainly is not angry news. It would have been just as true if any of the candidates other than Canon Scott Hayashi had been elected. It would have been true if Canon Michael Barlowe had won. But then it would of course have been news, bad for some good for others.

But the really really good news goes unmentioned. We have the means to elect bishops from among us and the process works and we live with the results. So we meet in diocesan convention and we elect. And we have every hope that it is God working in us that is finally seen to be of good effect in the results.

Now to be fair, very few folk in the progressive crowd were given to making remarks AFTER the fact of election. But, as far as I know, none of them began with the sort of headlines before hand that we find over in Realignment City.

Somehow I find the news in Utah rather affirming of the health of the Church. Four good candidates stood for election, one was elected, there were no riots in the streets or suggestions of rigged elections, no voter fraud. Whatever the tensions (if there were any) because of there being a gay-in-a-committed-relationship as a candidate, those did not seem to overwhelm the electors.

It was, in other words, an election just like the ones in Los Angeles and other places before it and just like ones to follow. People are nominated, someone is elected, everyone gives thanks to God for yet another ministry underway, and everyone goes home. Some are disappointed and others overjoyed. It is life in the Church and all quite ordinary and unnewsworthy outside a small circle of friends. It is remarkably democratic as Church appointment / election goes.

It is not over yet, of course, for Canon Hayashi needs the consent of the bishops and Standing Committees. That's part of the process.

I wish him well.


  1. Matt Kennedy has grown more and more shrill over the issue of homosexuality as the years have gone on. He reveals much more about himself and his Christianity than he does Michael Barlowe, Scott Hayashi, the Diocese of Utah or The Episcopal Church - which he has left, but not exactly (he still LOVES to comment and take cheap shots).

    Congratulations Canon Hayashi, Utah and TEC!

  2. My guess is that Canon Hayashi will receive the necessary support from the other Bishops and Standing Committees in the Episcopal Church... including from those who chose NOT to give consent for +Mary Glasspool. To my mind, that's when we'll have some real news: when the "nay-sayers" recognize that what they are saying "no" to has nothing to do with God, and everything to do with their own insecurities and fear of change. When someone who is openly-LGBT can receive consent without protest, we'll have moved a little closer to the kingdom.

  3. You're right Fr. Mark. There should be something of the banal in the election and result of election and consent.

  4. Unfortunately there are lots of sad, sick people over at those blogs who have never been happy, or have known the Lord. They may claim to know Him, but their action speak for themselves.

  5. Now to be fair, very few folk in the progressive crowd was given to making remarks AFTER the fact of election.

    Wounded Bird was one of the very few - simply taking note in the post with remarks following in the comments. I'm just saying. :-)

  6. Grandmere Mimi is both on the case and very kind. I had not seen the error in the sentence. Nice of you to rise above that and simply point to the greater thing... which is that SOME progressive blogs do indeed keep such matters in their vision.

    For this reason I stand when you enter. (Well, you know what I mean.)


OK... Comments, gripes, etc welcomed, but with some cautions and one rule:
Cautions: Calling people fools, idiots, etc, will be reason to bounce your comment. Keeping in mind that in the struggles it is difficult enough to try to respect opponents, we should at least try.