This summer St. Peter's Youth Group, some twenty-five strong, put together two youth trips - one to the Southwest to Navajo and Hopi lands and the other to West Virginia. The first was a pilgrimage, the second a work camp run by World Vision. Fourteen high school folk and 8 adults went to Navajoland, Eight 11-13 year old young people and 4 adults went to West Virginia. I've reported on both, HERE and HERE.
I've said it several times, but it is worth saying again: The Church is in good hands with the likes of these young men and women and our work is one - to put our hand to the plow and not look back. Not looking back is harder for old farts like me to do than it is for these young people, so my work was to learn from them to see with greater gaze than that which my plowing has led me to attend to. In this the trips were very successful. Lifting up the drooping head and finding heart is easier with this gang than alone. We prayed in the morning and evening, broke bread together, worked, laughed, sat quietly in the beauty of the fields and the high country, met people, became a community... you know, all the stuff of living inside the heart when the heart is large enough.
Two video reports were made about our trips. They are well worth the look, particularly to get a sense of how they saw the time together.
Minni de Kuyper produced a video about the SPY Southwest trip. It is on her facebook pages, but now is in a form that can be embedded in the blog, so here it is:
The Mission Work Project was with World Vision working out of their West Virginia project in Philippi. World Vision produced a video record of some of our work there and now I have got a link for it as well: Here it is -
Wonderful people, a gift to us all.
I love this. Thank you for helping your kids do it.