
The ACNA 28

I have asked in the past about just what constituted the 28 Dioceses in the Anglican Church in North America. The answer (thanks to Stand Firm) is as follows:


Anglican Church in North America
Certification of Allowable Number of Delegates [Canon 1:2:3]

(VG indicates Vicar General, i.e. no bishop yet, the numbers are numbers of delegates, clergy, lay, youth. If there are only two numbers they have no youth delegate.) When not otherwise clear, I have indicated "place of origin" where I can.
  1. Diocese of Cascadia VG 1 1
  2. Anglican Diocese in the Southeast VG 1 1
  3. Diocese of Western Anglicans B 3 3 2
  4. The Anglican Diocese in New Engand B 2 2 1
  5. International Diocese B 2 2 1
  6. Diocese of Quincy B 2 2 1 - Province Southern Cone (PSC)
  7. Diocese of Pittsburgh B 6 6 5 - PSC
  8. Diocese of San Joaquin B 4 4 3 - PSC
  9. Diocese of Fort Worth B 6 6 5 - PSC
  10. Diocese of the Holy Spirit B 3 3 2 -
  11. The Bolivian Cluster VG 1 1
  12. Diocese of Forward in Faith/NA VG 1 1
  13. Convocation of Anglicans in North America B 10 10 9 CANA
  14. Diocese of the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic B 3 3 2 Reformed Episcopal Church
  15. Diocese of the Southeast B 3 3 2 REC
  16. Diocese of the West B 2 2 1 REC
  17. Diocese of Mid-America B 3 3 2 REC
  18. Missionary Diocese of the Central States VG 1 1 REC
  19. AMiA Cluster One B 3 3 2
  20. AMiA Cluster Two B 2 2 1
  21. AMiA Cluster Three B 2 2 1
  22. AMiA Cluster Four B 3 3 2
  23. AMiA Cluster Five B 3 3 2
  24. AMiA Cluster Six B 5 5 4
  25. AMiA Cluster Seven B 3 3 2
  26. AMiA Cluster Eight B 3 3 2
  27. AMiA Cluster Nine B 2 2 1
  28. Anglican Network in Canada B 4 4 3 - Anglican Church of Canada
  29. American Anglican Council B 1 1
  30. Forward in Faith - NA B 1 1
Totals: clergy 86 laity 86 youth 56

What in the world is the "Diocese of the Holy Spirit"?
Well- there it is.


  1. I also wondered about the Diocese of the Holy Spirit. What I found on line was a local church in the "free Catholic" tradition; but from their rhetoric and links, they don't look like ready fellow travelers with folks in ACNA. However, Anglicans Online shows on their "Not In Communion" page a Province of the Holy Spirit, which is "'The American mission of the Diocese of Katakwa, of the Anglican Church of Kenya.' Parishes in Georgia, Alabama and Florida."

    I wonder about the distinction between Forward in Faith NA (item 30) and the Diocese of Forward in Faith NA (item 12). Neither the ACNA document or the Stand Firm comments clarify any distinction.

  2. Some of those "dioceses" still need bishops; so it looks like they still have some purple left to pass around.

  3. I wonder if the Dioceses of the Northeast and New England have overlapping boundaries?

    The Church of the Good Shepherd (Anglican Church of Kenya) here in Binghamton had an Episcopal Visitation by the Bishop of New England in March.

  4. This set of overlapping, oddly named (in some cases) dioceses, which mostly still identify with their parent organizations, doesn't bode well for the unity or success of the ACNA. There seems to be an unwillingness on the part of each constituency to risk what it has now in favor of the greater good tomorrow.

  5. I found a post that the incursion parishes under Nigeria were to become the 'diocese of the Holy Spirit' where they are too thin on the ground to be a diocese. I don't have a clue what that means.


  6. I thought Holy Spirit was Ugandan parishes?

  7. Fr. Mark,

    I think anon is correct and I was wrong. It is the umbrella for the pseudo Ugandan incursions.


  8. Having now been banned from Stand Firm (They and I, not surprisingly, would have a different take on why), maybe I can register some concern here regarding the "debate" there on how the ACNA is organized.
    As I have stated countless times before, there is no force for union of these churches other than a common disgust with TEC. First, ACNA is trying to provide a framework of an organization that will accommodate the whole spectrum of Anglican theology, evangelical, low church and high church Anglo-Catholic. This has been a problem from the time of the inception of the CofE. (In the U.S.See Barnes, Albert The Position of the Evangelical Party in the Episcopal Church Perkins and Purves 1844 and Butler, Diana Hochstedt Standing Against the Whirlwind and Warren, the Causes and Cures of Puseyism 1847 as well as the history of the REC)and without a will to union for reasons other than opposition to TEC, there seems little to hold these diverse theological parties together, particularly given their "confessional" an impetus to splintering, focus. Second, their organizing principles do two things, concentrate power in their bishops and make it very easy to depart, withdraw financial support or change leaders. At the outset, there is the problem of how the bishops were appointed/elected, In the case of Guernsey, Atwood, Murdoch etc., these were nominated for their African consecration by Duncan (see Calvary case filing) and "elected" by none of their constituents. (On appointment, this is, of course, also true of Minns and Anderson.) There are others without a real constituency. Given that we are dealing with Americans which, at some point, for political/power reasons vs. the reasons of "mission" suggested, are likely to question authority, particularly authorities they had no hand in choosing, and the ease with which congregations can move (i.e. choose "authorities") ACNA seems to lack both the impetus toward or tool the tools for real cohesion. It also lacks the affirmation of the ACC and its bishops lack the "credentialing" invitation to Lambeth. EmilyH

  9. Nom de Plume10/6/09 12:38 PM

    Mark, the "Anglican Network in Canada" should not be confused with the Anglican Church of Canada. These are mainly people who have left the Anglican Church of Canada, but have no further affiliation with it.

  10. Mark, (Although it should be addressed to Urbi et Orbe!)

    I wish if some of you guys, still in charge of congregations (Or still retaining some sort of authority over your teenager children!), would ask a highschooler to map in Google the ACNA churches segregated by affiliation... I believe the result will be most revealing about the kind of multi-clustdioconvocinternationspirit thingamajig that ACNA is all about.

    Any takers?



  11. Thanks for the analysis, EmilyH, and sorry to hear about the Stand Firm business. I greatly appreciate that still, not particularly small, voice of calm of yours, not least in the howling of an SF tempest.


OK... Comments, gripes, etc welcomed, but with some cautions and one rule:
Cautions: Calling people fools, idiots, etc, will be reason to bounce your comment. Keeping in mind that in the struggles it is difficult enough to try to respect opponents, we should at least try.